
Badger Meter

Badger Meter is an innovator in flow measurement, water quality and control products, serving water utilities, municipalities and commercial and industrial customers worldwide. Our smart water metering solutions provide actionable intelligence that enables customers to optimize the delivery and use of water, maximize revenue and reduce waste.


Industrial Turbo Series Meters

The Industrial Turbine Meter is a rugged, reliable meter ideally suited for industrial fluid applications. Its compact size and ease of serviceability without removal from the line make this a cost effective selection.

Industrial Disc Series Meters

Industrial Disc Series Meters

The industrial disc series meter has a simple, efficient design for high accuracy and repeatability over the entire meter flow range.

Industrial Oval Gear (IOG)

The Industrial Oval Gear Meter, Model IOG is a modular flow meter design, economical yet highly accurate and rugged.

M7600 Electromagnetic Flow Meter

The ModMAG® 7600 Electromagnetic flow meter features a non-obstructive flow-through pipe design, allowing particulates to pass through the meter body with sustained accuracy.

M5000 Electromagnetic Flow Meter

The ModMAG® M5000 Electromagnetic flow meter is an ideal solution for remote potable water applications, providing consistently reliable and accurate measurements.

M4000 Electromagnetic Flow Meter

The ModMAG® M4000 Electromagnetic flow meter provides an accurate and reliable long-term solution in most applications because it is virtually unaffected by density, temperature, pressure and viscosity changes.

M3000 Electromagnetic Flow Meter

The ModMAG® M3000 Electromagnetic flow meter is virtually unaffected by density, temperature, pressure and viscosity changes, making it an accurate and reliable long-term metering solution.

M2000 Electromagnetic Flow Meter

The ModMAG M2000 Electromagnetic flow meter has a wide selection of liner and electrode materials to help ensure maximum compatibility and minimum maintenance over a long operating period.

เครื่องวัดอัตราการไหล Electromagnetic รุ่น ModMAG M1000

เครื่องวัดอัตราการไหล ModMAG® M1000 เหมาะสำหรับการตรวจวัดอัตราการไหลแบบสองทิศทางของของเหลวที่มีค่าการนำไฟฟ้า >5 μS/cm (>20 μS/cm สำหรับน้ำที่ปราศจากแร่ธาตุ) ด้วยราคาที่จับต้องได้และมีประสิทธิภาพสูง

TFX-500w Ultrasonic Clamp-on Flow Meter

The Dynasonics® TFX-500w transit time ultrasonic flow meter measures the volumetric flow of clean water in pipes 10 in. or smaller. Its clamp-on design allows the meter to be installed without cutting or tapping the pipe.