Flow Meter


Dxn Portable Flow Meter

DXN Portable Hybrid Ultrasonic Flow Meters

The Dynasonics® DXN Portable Hybrid Ultrasonic flow meter is a powerful tool used for troubleshooting flow issues, whether you want to quickly verify the flow reading of another meter or to data log flow system values over an extended period of time.

Tfxl Series

TFXL Series Ultrasonic Flow Meter

TFXL ultrasonic transit time flow meter measures most clean liquids and liquids with small amounts of suspended solids or aeration, such as surface water or sewage.

Tfx Ultra

TFX Ultra : Transit Time Flow Meters

The TFX Ultra transit time meter measures clean liquids as well as those with small amounts of suspended solids or aeration such as surface water or sewage.

Rct1000 Mass Flow Meter

Coriolis RCT1000 : Mass Flow Meter

The Coriolis RCT1000 Mass flow meter simultaneously measures true mass flow and density reading over a wide range of temperatures with a high degree of accuracy.