Flow Meter


Nivuflow 7550 01

NivuFlow 7550 Flow Meter

Flow measurement for open channels as well as part filled pipes. Optimum results through combination of ultrasonic cross correlation and radar technology.

Nivuflow 750 Flow Meter 01

NivuFlow 750 Flow Meter

For ultrasonic flow measurement of slight to heavily polluted media in part filled and full pipes and channels. Best possible results even under difficult conditions.

Fluxus F501

FLUXUS F501 : Liquid Flowmeters

The FLUXUS F501 clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter for water is FLEXIM’s solution for many metering applications found in the water and wastewater sector and adjacent industries.

Schmidt Flow Sensor Ss 20.500

SCHMIDT Flow Sensor SS 20.500

To measure air and gas flows accurately and reproducibly, many parameters have to be correct. It is important how the gas flows against the sensor, and thus the positioning of the sensor often decides about the quality of the results.

Schmidt Flow Sensor Ss 20.651

SCHMIDT Flow Sensor SS 20.651

In many areas the measurement of the flow velocity and / or the volume flow at higher temperatures of up to +350 °C is very important in terms of energy efficiency, quantity detection and plant control.

Industrial Turbo Series

Industrial Turbo Series Meters

The Industrial Turbine Meter is a rugged, reliable meter ideally suited for industrial fluid applications. Its compact size and ease of serviceability without removal from the line make this a cost effective selection.

Industrial Disc Series Meters

Industrial Disc Series Meters

The industrial disc series meter has a simple, efficient design for high accuracy and repeatability over the entire meter flow range.

Industrial Oval Gear (iog) Meter

Industrial Oval Gear (IOG)

The Industrial Oval Gear Meter, Model IOG is a modular flow meter design, economical yet highly accurate and rugged.